16 de Junho, 2009
Artigo de revisão e tese de mestrado examinando a evidência que suporta a hipótese lipídica, pela investigadora australiana Marion G. Volk
Extraordinário artigo revisão, publicado na Alternative Medicine Review, em Set/2007, da autoria de Marion G. Volk, analisando a (fraca) evidência científica que suporta a actual Hipótese Lipídica:
An Examination of the Evidence Supporting the Association of Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fats with Serum Cholesterol and Development of Coronary Heart Disease (pdf)
Conclusões deste artigo de revisão?
"The hypothesis of coronary heart disease as the result of excessive intake of saturated fats may no longer be sustainable. Recent research indicates that dietary consumption of cholesterol is not reflected in serum levels, and that very low serum cholesterol levels seem to contribute to all-cause mortality. The powerful cholesterol-lowering statin drugs exert anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects irrespective of LDL levels, and affect biological pathways other than lipid metabolism. Nutritional deficiencies need to be included in the spectrum of causes of chronic disease. The overall impression of the cited studies is that they vary widely in regard to methodological quality, content, and style. This carries the serious risk that some epidemiological publications may reach misleading conclusions.The many problems associated with research into fats and CHD make it logical to conclude that the lipid hypothesis of atherosclerosis is based on several false premises, including linear causation, fallacious national mortality statistics, biased age and subject selection, and methodological inaccuracies."
Fonte: Alternative Medicine Review.
A autora, Marion G. Volk, disponibiliza também a sua Tese de Mestrado, sobre este mesmo assunto, on-line, por sinal uma admirável resenha histórica sobre a construção da Hipótese Lipídica. Pode fazer o seu download clicando aqui. As conclusões desta Tese são em tudo idênticas às do artigo atrás referido.