Canibais e Reis

  • artigos comentários

03 de Junho, 2010

Artigos recentes do Dr. Phil Goscienski, o Dr. da Idade da Pedra, autor do livro “Health Secrets of the Stone Age”

Autor: O Primitivo. Categoria: Primitivos| Saúde


Artigos recentes do Stone Age Doctor (Dr. Phil Goscienski), autor do livro "Health Secrets of the Stone Age". Veja o arquivo completo aqui.


April 2010

Bears, bones and astronauts
Grapefruit. Risky food?
Make it Mediterranean
Resveratrol: miracle or myth?

March 2010

Building better balance
The politics of obesity
Safe womb, delayed tomb
Can you "spot reduce"?
Long-distance travel safety

February 2010

Will the flu vaccine give you the flu?
Prebiotic and Probiotic: confusing but critical

January 2010

Disasters and your health
Does muscle turn into fat?
Free range chicken
Love your pets — carefully

December 2009

Bioeconomics. Why muscles get smaller and bones get thinner
The egg revolution
Body fat fallacies and facts
Going up in smoke: your money, your health and your looks
Should we all be vegans?

November 2009

Hepatitis, an avoidable risk
Kids and weight control: it’s easier when you start ‘em young
The life expectancy myth
Sleep and your immune system

October 2009

Diversity isn’t just for portfolios
Is exercise useless?
Why your kids fight and argue
Obesity and failing immunit

September 2009

Gallbladder problems: lifestyle matters
Magnesium and Rodney Dangerfield
Very ancient therapy: massage
Health controversies
When Stone-Agers become like u

August 2009

Experience California. Try an avocado.
Childhood epidemics ignored
Flax oil versus fish oil
Immunizations: Big shots for big kids

July 2009

Babies, smoking and genes
Type 2 diabetes: two hundred billion and climbing
How Stone Agers cooked and why it matters to us
Sidestep the black box

June 2009

Creeping obesity
Ever eat Stone Age fruit?
Prepare for the flu next time
A failing legacy
Vitamin D, superstar

May 2009

The Stone Age: nasty, brutish and short - maybe not!
The Senior Shuffle
Were Stone Agers Vegetarians?
Men still hunt and women still gather

April 2009

Breastfeeding and healthcare financing. Is there a connection?
Hidden Epidemics
A Traveling Family Can Eat Well
Unsung benefits of omega-3 fats

March 2009

The real reason for dietary fiber
Smoking surprises
Spice is nice - and healthy
Fat genes. Nature’s mistake

February 2009

Is there magic in cinnamon?
Cut calories, cut your risk of cancer
Why thrifty genes might bankrupt our economy
We’re built to last 100 years

January 2009

Whole wheat and the whole truth
Muscle-bound? That’s no excuse!
Healthy fast food
Diabetes, a growth industry


Tags: Dr. Phil Goscienski, paleo, Stone Age Doctor

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Nacional (notícias)

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Newsletter do Portal da Saúde - 04 de Junho 2010
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As raízes da psiquiatria em Portugal
Encontro alargado do Programa Nacional de Prevenção e Controlo da Infecção
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3ª aniversário da Unidade de Cuidados Paliativos da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados ...
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Four Top Swim Drills
Drill Bits: Essential Swimming Kit
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  • Ed: Thank you so much for the information and attachments!

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Canibais e Reis

"As populações da Idade da Pedra tinham vidas mais saudáveis do que a maior parte do povo que surgiu imediatamente depois delas. Quanto a facilidades, como a boa alimentação, os divertimentos e os prazeres estéticos, os primitivos caçadores e recolectores de plantas gozavam de luxos que só os mais ricos dos nossos dias podem gozar" - Marvin Harris (1927-2001).

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