Canibais e Reis

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13 de Agosto, 2009

Foto-peroxidação lipídica cutânea, que é como quem diz o sol está a fritar na minha pele as gorduras polinsaturadas “saudáveis” que o nutricionista me recomendou

Autor: O Primitivo. Categoria: Dieta| Mitos| Saúde

Estou fascinado com as propriedades mágicas do ÓLEO DE COCO! Tenho estado a ler alguns artigos sobre óleo de coco, hoje recebi da Amazon dois livros bastante bons:

Fats Are Good for You: How Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Actually Benefit the Body (Dr. John Kabara)

Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut (Dr. Bruce Fife)

Ando com esta ideia, a de que o Sol em excesso terá maior ou menor efeito nocivo para a saúde, dependendo do tipo de gorduras consumidas. As poliinsaturadas (óleos vegetais, gorduras novas, introduzidas recentemente com a agricultura) são naturalmente mais instáveis ao calor e as saturadas (gorduras animais, mais saudáveis, que sempre consumimos ao longo da nossa evolução) mais resistentes. Daí eu também ter falado em "fritura do LDL" num artigo passado e, de igual modo, no contexto da oxidação, em fumar um cigarrinho.

Mas tudo isto somente para dizer que acabo de ler este artigo fascinante sobre estes temas, o da oxidação de lípidos na pele, actividade anti-oxidante, etc., no Whole Health Source, e para o qual não posso deixar de chamar a máxima atenção:

Skin Texture, Cancer and Dietary Fat

Depois de ler este artigo muito bom, que recomento vivamente, ainda fiquei mais convencido de que MARGARINA, sendo constituída por óleos vegetais altamente processados, ricos em ómega-6 já oxidado/rançoso, é dos piores venenos à face da Terra, das "junk foods" industrializadas mais nocivas que podemos consumir, comprovadamente causadoras de cancro, de doença cardiovascular e sabe-se lá o que mais! Mas os "especialistas" recomendam, fazer o quê?


E já agora, estou também a explorar as aplicações não-alimentares do óleo de coco extra-virgem (estou a usar o da Vitaquell, que se encontra nas lojas Celeiro): aplicações na pele, como protector solar, desodorizante, nos cabelos, etc. Dá imensa confiança podermos usar um protector solar que, ao mesmo tempo, se pode também comer!

Sun Protection

One of the most interesting facts about people who live in tropical climates like the Philippines, where the people are constantly exposed to the rays of the sun year round, is that skin cancer is almost unheard of in these places. Here in the US we are constantly warned about the dangers of exposure to the sun, and yet the sun helps our bodies produce much needed nutrients for our skin, such as Vitamin D, which has been shown to prevent cancer.2

Once again we see that coconut oil is probably one of the main reasons people in tropical climates can spend so much time in the sun and not suffer from skin cancer. Coconut oil has wonderful antioxidant properties that protect the skin from free radical damage. Also, when coconut oil is consumed and used topically on our skin, it helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more effectively as well, such as Vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant nutrient that protects the skin.

I am fair skinned but used VCO as a sunscreen in Florida last summer. My family thought I was crazy. I did not burn although everyone else did (with their toxic sunscreen). One day, I did get a little too much sun, and was a little red, but I put the VCO on it and it was gone by the next day. So try it, and see, just be sensible about the sun, nothing can protect you if you stand in the hot sun for a very long time. Rachel (Coconut Diet Forums)

I just got back from my 7-day trip to Jamaica. I used VCO exclusively as my sunscreen. I had no burns and my tan is even and golden. I am somewhat fair-skinned. Most of my time was spent in the shade, but I spent a good amount of time floating around on the water each day. My husband is even fairer and he did get pink slightly on his shoulders, at which time he applied both sunscreen and VCO to that area (VCO everywhere else). His tan is also pretty dark. People kept commenting on what nice color we were getting, ha ha. Marnie (Coconut Diet Forums)

It should be noted that when reports like this are made in our discussion group, invariably some will try using Virgin Coconut Oil exclusively as a sunscreen and go out and get burned! Some have even reported that sometimes the coconut oil works wonderfully as a sunscreen, while at other times they seem to get burned. It seems that the oils you put into your body are just as important as what you onto your body in regards to sun protection. We have found that if one eats foods loaded with polyunsaturated oils, generally they will burn more in the sun. It is theorized that when one eats foods cooked in polyunsaturated vegetable oils, often with trans fatty acids, that one is putting oxidized lipids into their skin tissue that are causing free radical damage, and more susceptible to burning in the sun. So if you just got done eating some french fries from a fast food restaurant, you may be more susceptible to sun burn!

Fonte: The Coconut Diet.


Ligações relacionadas:

Coconut oil (Wikipedia)
The coconut odyssey, the tree of life
Coconut Research Center - coconut oil’s benefits
Coconut Oil Central
Coconut good health support (M. Enig)
A new look at coconut oil (Mary Enig)
Coconut, cholesterol and HDL (Enig)
The tree of life: coconut oil (J. Kabara)
Virgin coconut oil (Fife, Kabara)
Coconut oil: atherogenic or not? (C. Dayrit)

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Canibais e Reis

"As populações da Idade da Pedra tinham vidas mais saudáveis do que a maior parte do povo que surgiu imediatamente depois delas. Quanto a facilidades, como a boa alimentação, os divertimentos e os prazeres estéticos, os primitivos caçadores e recolectores de plantas gozavam de luxos que só os mais ricos dos nossos dias podem gozar" - Marvin Harris (1927-2001).

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