Canibais e Reis

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13 de Setembro, 2010

“Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption and Cancer”, relatório-síntese sobre a epidemiologia das carnes vermelhas e/ou processadas e sua (não) associação com cancro/cancer

Autor: O Primitivo. Categoria: Ciência| Dieta| Mitos| Saúde

"Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption and Cancer (Jan/2010)" (pdf)
Dominik D. Alexander, PhD, MSPH. Senior Managing Epidemiologist. Health Sciences Practice, Exponent, Inc.

"This technical report summarizes the currently available epidemiologic evidence surrounding red meat and processed meat consumption and cancer. Although discussed herein, this report is not intended to systematically address all ofthe components of causation, such as dose-response or biological plausibility, between red or processed meat and specific types of cancer. Rather, the purpose of this report is to synthesize scientific information pertaining to the cancer types for which intake of meat has been evaluated, and to recapitulate some of the observed statistical associations between red or processed meat intake and cancer. In addition, the methodological, analytical, and biological complexity is underscored so the reader can recognize and appreciate the challenges scientists are faced with when interpreting a large body of scientific and medical literature."

"Based upon a comprehensive assessment of associations across the epidemiologic literature, and in consideration of the complex methodological, analytical, and biological challenges, the totality of the available scientific evidence is not supportive of an independent association between red meat or processed meat and the types of cancer reported in this technical summary. Although positive associations have been reported in several epidemiologic studies for certain types of cancer, namely colorectal cancer, taken together, results have been relatively weak in magnitude and most associations are not statistically significant. Furthermore, there are some apparent differences in the patterns of results by gender, as associations from some of the largest and most well-conducted cohort studies have been null or inverse among women; an observation not readily explained by level of intake or biological or hormonal differences."


Nutritional epidemiology is the study of the dietary factors that influence disease frequency and distribution in human populations. Epidemiologically, disentangling the potential effects of dietary factors, such as red meat or processed meat intake, and risk of cancer is a methodologically challenging endeavor. Answering the question of whether intake of red meat or processed meat is associated with increasing the risk of cancer is complex, involving biological mechanisms, food definitions, intake measurements, outcome classifications, statistical testing, colinearity of red meat intake with other food items, and many lifestyle and behavior characteristics.

Red/Processed Meat Intake and Cancer

There are several postulated mechanisms (e.g., heterocyclic amines, heme iron) as to why or how meat consumption may contribute to carcinogenesis, although no mechanism has been established as being responsible for increasing the risk of cancer in human studies. The relationship between red/processed meat intake and cancer has been evaluated in hundreds of epidemiologic studies. With critical consideration of the extensive methodological, analytical, and biological challenges, the totality of the available scientific evidence is not supportive of an independent association between red meat or processed meat and cancer.


Cancer is multifactorial, involving a complex interaction of genetic, lifestyle, infectious, and environmental factors. The progression of cancer commonly takes several years from cancer initiation to diagnosis of disease, thus enhancing the difficulty in identifying the underlying factors involved in carcinogenesis.

Current Recommendations

According to recent data, the U.S. general population is consuming meat within current recommendations. Lean beef and pork are excellent sources of protein and provide an abundance of essential nutrients. Thus, a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats, including beef and pork, serve as the foundation of a healthy diet.

Future Directions

New scientific methods of determining genetic risks, as well as improved ways of measuring diet, such as biochemical indicators of food intake, will continue to add to the body of knowledge in this ever-expanding area of research.


Download: report-red-and-processed-meats-and-cancer.pdf (2.93 Mb)

Tags: cancer, , carnes processadas, , epidemioogia,

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