16 de Junho, 2009
Evidência anedótica de como uma boa nutrição e exercício, talvez mais que ‘uma boa genética’, mantêm o sistema músculo-esquelético em boa forma
Autor: O Primitivo. Categoria: Saúde
O Fitness Spotlight, um blogue que eu acompanho regularmente, publicou recentemente um artigo muito bom, intitulado Urgent Changes to Make in Your Vocabulary Today (for Health and Happiness) | Fitness Spotlight. O ponto desse artigo que mais me chamou a atenção foi o seguinte:
#3 – Get rid of: “I’m this way because of my genes”
Meet idential 24yr twins Otto and Ewald. One trained for distance events, the other for power. Think genes are still to blame for putting on muscle? Stop using the "hardgainer" excuse for not doing the right things in the first place.
I would like to thank most of modern medicine for this cop out. With billions of dollars being spent and thousands of man hours invested by people with more degrees than I can count, our solution to most diseases….is….”Oh, it’s just in your genetics”. Heaven forbid we take some sort of preventive lifestyle to keep our genes from going in the wrong direction. People need to realize the power that our eating and lifestyle have on our genetic expression. If you have 2 twins, and one gets cancer…does that mean the other has to as well? No of course not, as each can be living 2 different lives with different hormonal messengers from their overall lifestyle. We all have the genetic capability for cancer, it’s just whether or not we tell our body to switch them on or not that we can control of every day.
Instead say: “I have control over my genetic expression and will take a preventative lifestyle approach”
Fonte: Fitness Spotlight.
Bem a propósito, um comentário a esse artigo refere a existência do seguinte artigo, do Journal of Experimental Physiology, ainda sobre os dois gémeos em questão e de grande interesse:
Body maintenance and repair: how food and exercise keep the musculoskeletal system in good shape. (pdf)
University of Nottingham, School of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate Entry Medical School, Derby City General Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby DE22 3DT, UK.
This article provides a personal view of how feeding and exercise acutely modify protein metabolism of human skeletal muscle, with discussion of the anabolic signalling mechanisms involved and some new findings on the metabolism of the turnover of collagen, tendon and bone.
Fonte: Experimental Physiology.
E aqui está a evidência anedótica de que, para pelo menos estes gémeos, os genes não são tudo: