Canibais e Reis

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10 de Agosto, 2010

Os poderes curativos milagrosos do óleo de coco, explicados pelo Dr. Bruce Fife

Autor: O Primitivo. Categoria: Ciência| Dieta| Saúde


Vídeo: The Healing Miracles Coconut Oil by Dr.Bruce Fife


Óleo de coco é muuuuito bom!!!!!!!!!!!
(Será até melhor que o azeite? Não seria de admirar.)



Coconut oil (Wikipedia)
Coconut Research Center - coconut oil’s benefits
Coconut Oil Central
Coco Science



Dr. Bruce Fife Says ‘Go Cuckoo For Coconuts!’ (Episode 305)



A New Look at Coconut Oil-Enig
A Review Of Monolaurin And Lauric Acid - December 2006
Atherogenic, Heart disease, MCT metabolism & Coconut oil - Conrado Dayrit
Blood Sugar and Coconut Oil- Wheeler family
Breast milk and Formula milk compositions
Breastfeeding is crucial & Home preparation protocols for infant milk formula
Cancer and Polyunsaturated Oils- Second Opinions UK
Cholesterol and Heart Disease - Jerome Burne
Cholesterol Myth- Barry Groves
Coconut Odyssey
Coconut Oil, Hypertension and Blood Pressure.
Coconut Oil - Why it is Good for You - Lita Lee
Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease
Coconut Oil - Antimicrobial Activity of Lauric, Caprylic & Capric Acids
Dark Side of Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Diabetes and Virgin Coconut Oil - Dr. Bruce Fife
Digestion and Absorption of Food Fats - Mary Enig 
Eat Fat - Your Life Depends On It
Food Fats and Oils - compositions of various types
Free Radicals and Heart Disease - Karl Loren
Health and Nutritional aspects of Coconut Oil - Retinam
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil - Raymond Peat
Health oil from the tree of life - Kabara
Heart Disease and Coconut Oil - Fife
Heart Failure n Cholesterol - Thomas J Moore
HIV/AIDS and Virgin Coconut Oil - Bruce Fife
HIV/AIDS, Potential Cure & Virgin Coconut Oil Research Result - Conrado Dayrit 
How a PR campaign led to unhealthy Diets - Beatrice Hunter
How to LIVE Longer and Better -
Human Milk Project - Fatty Acids of Human Milk -
Ideal Fat Next only to Mother’s Milk - Coconut Oil - Dr. B.M. Hegde
Inactivation of enveloped viruses by Fatty Acids Monoglycerides - Research
InVitro killing of Candida Albicans by Fatty Acids Monoglycerides - Research
In support of Good Health in the 21st Century - Mary Enig
LarryKing CNN testimonies and Info on Lauricidin (monolaurin) press responses on viral loads, monolaurins, hiv
Lipid coated viruses and bacteria - Photos
Mary Enig Interview - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Transfats 
MCT, Lauricidin and Monolaurin Basic Properties - 
Medium Chain Triglycerides, Digestion Absorbtion of MCT - Fife
Metabolism and coconut oil - Regaining Health
Monolaurin(Lauricidin) - Prof Jon J Kabara
Mother’s Milk and Monolaurin
Need to Know More About VCO?
Nutrients And Foods in AIDS - Lauric oils - Ronald Watson (CRC Press)  
Philippine Coconut Authority - FAQs on VCO
Production Processes in the Market Today & How to Choose VCO
Research Articles from Coconut Research Center USA
Some News/Articles About Coconut Oil
The Oiling of America - Mary Enig & Sally Fallon
The Six Things You Can do to Have Truly Younger Looking Skin
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat in USA - Gary Taubes
The Truth About Saturated Fats - Mary Enig, Sally Fallon  
Things you didnt know about Coconut Oil-  Healthy Living Mag - Dr. Fife
Thyroid and Coconut Oil - Interviewing Ray Peat
Toward Immortality - How?
Toxicity of Unsaturated Oils - Raymond Peat
Triglyceride, Cholesterol and Heart Disease
VCO Philippines - Highlights & Articles
Weight Loss & Medium Chain Triglycerides - Obesity Research No.11
"Lessons From The Miracle Doctors" - a must read guide on health & healing.
CocoScience Photos - 18th National Scientific Conference Nov 2007, Kuala Lumpur.
"Cholesterol Special Report" - The Low Down on Cholesterol and Why You need it".

Tags: , , óleos tropicais

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Canibais e Reis

"As populações da Idade da Pedra tinham vidas mais saudáveis do que a maior parte do povo que surgiu imediatamente depois delas. Quanto a facilidades, como a boa alimentação, os divertimentos e os prazeres estéticos, os primitivos caçadores e recolectores de plantas gozavam de luxos que só os mais ricos dos nossos dias podem gozar" - Marvin Harris (1927-2001).

Dietas primitivas e tradicionais


Hipótese Lipídica


Vitamina D

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